About Me

I'm Emma, I'm 20 and I'm the worst student you will ever meet (apart from the fact I always attend my lectures.. well most of the time).

I currently attend Kings College and living in London makes it quite easy to opt out of all the typical student activities, whilst Freshers consisted of many of London's dingier nightclubs, since the beginning of my first year, I, along with my friends have taken it upon ourselves to discover the not so studenty side to London whenever possible. 

London is such an amazing city with so much to offer that I didn't want to miss out, this blog is for me to document fun things I get up to whether it be in London, at home in Surrey (where i'm originally from) or on my travels. 




  1. I <3 your blog and ignore those crazy fangirls over jack and finn.... They need to mind there own buisness

  2. Reading this makes me wish I lived in London! Hoping to study abroad in London next year and will definitely be referring back to this blog! <3

  3. I really enjoy your blog xx

  4. Hello ! :) I've found your blog quite randomly to be honest and I love it ! It makes me wanna go back in the UK. I like the way you describe London (or the Surrey) and its surroundings. It's such a nice way to learn more about England ! Thank you and keep writing ! ;)

  5. Emma I'm so glad I stumbled on your blog! I must admit I've spent the last hour or so reading it and I absolutely love it! Makes me want to go to London even more. Can't wait to see your future posts! :)

  6. This blog is amazing!

  7. Love your blog. Makes me want to visit London that much more!

  8. I love London- I went when I was very little and I really want to go back soon! Are there any good places we should definitely visit? (other than the restaurants you've blogged about)
